Grayshade TTRPG Update: It's Complete and in Edits!
about 1 month ago
– Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 11:36:04 AM
Hi, everyone! I'm extremely excited to announce that the full text of both adventure and worldbuilding is now complete, which means the entire Grayshade TTRPG is now in edits with the amazing Alligator Alley team--which puts it on track for a general summer release, and a release to our wonderful backers before that. Brandon's done an exceptional job on this, and I can't wait for you to see how the game has come together. I'll let him tell you all about it in the rest of this update. Again, thanks so much for your support and your patience, and I think you'll see soon that it was worth the wait!
Thanks again,
Hello, all! Brandon here with yet another Grayshade RPG update!
I know it has been quite a while since we’ve shared the progress of our worldbuilding document, but as of right now I can say that every submission for the book is complete! All we should be waiting for now are some proofreading edits, but the worldbuilding segment in particular being complete should offer players a plethora of ways to get to know the city of Cohrelle, its inhabitants, its history, and its landmarks, including one of my favourites to write, the public-service-turned-religion that is the Order of Capoteo:
Capoteo is the god of oaths and service, who is said to give strength and stamina to those who work to improve the lives of others, and curses those who break promises or turn their backs on those in need when they have plenty. He is in a lot of ways a very recent deity, with a wealth of texts written for the order in the last few years, from various modern myths about the ways in which he lifts up those who serve and lays selfish people low, to multiple catechisms that seek to structurally shape various public services and their ideal procedures into faithful rites. For instance, the People's Service has in the last few months published a new edition of The Catechism of Building Insurance, detailing all of the various ordinances and best practices regarding putting out fires and rescuing those trapped in dangerous or unstable buildings...
I’m particularly excited for you to discover some of the expanded lore we’ve set up for the city and the assorted mystery and action triggers placed within them that we hope will spark ideas for your own stories in this world. Although I’ve heard that somewhere in the proofreading process a certain pesky information broker snuck into the office and made a bunch of copious scribbles in the margins…so I guess I’ll see what that’s about when I get my edits back.
With all the segments written so far—Class features and Faith rules, the included adventure The Death of a Noble, the world text on Cohrelle and its surrounding area, and included GM guidelines on how to play to the espionage and mystery of the Gray Assassin novels—the game should now be almost entirely complete, and the editing process is underway.
Thank you all so much for your patience as we work to make this game as thrilling and enticing as the novels are.
Audiobook update - plus Gloomy Buildings, Sonic Magic, we've got more - with one week left on bundles and discounts.
5 months ago
– Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 07:01:03 PM
Hi everyone!
Chris here - we really hope you've enjoyed the completed trilogy. All three novels are out and have been delivered to all backers (if you are missing anything, please let me know!).
We've had some questions about completing the audiobooks, and we absolutely want to complete the audio trilogy read by Tren Sparks! We'd love to do them without any more crowdfunding, and we're trying to make it fit within our schedule and budget.
If you'd like to support our other current work, we do have one week left on topics I know are dear to this group: Black voices, Ukrainian voices, and topics of mental health.
The first book is The Factory, a contemporary fantasy set in an old abandoned factory, written by the late author Ihor Mysiak. Ukrainians have told us that supporting and reading Ukrainian literature supports Ukraine, so we're doing our best to get that word out. Of note - we are not aware of any other novels that were translated from Ukrainian to English in 2024. You probably saw, Emily fought hard to make this book happen.
The second book is Songs for the Shadows, a book of grief and life and sonic magic, set in the Sauútiverse, what I'm hearing is like writer-owned space Wakanda and about to be a huge thing. We are publishing the first novella in this world, and are very excited about it.

Side note: You can add Emily's first three books in the Alyssia series as a digital bundle (including all three ebooks) or a hardcover bundle, and I know she'd absolutely love it if anyone here wanted to add those.
I hope you'll give it a look:
Lastly for the year (wow...), Emily and I will be at World Fantasy Con and Can*Con and would love to see any of you there! That's it for now - we're super excited about the Grayshade TTRPG!!
Best -
Grayshade TTRPG update--some major progress!
5 months ago
– Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 10:02:54 PM
Hi all,
With the official release of Heretic at the end of July, The Gray Assassin Trilogy is complete, and I couldn't be more grateful to all of you for having made that possible. We've gotten some excellent feedback--such as this incredible review from Hugo award-winning writer Paul Weimer--which has been extremely gratifying. But we're not done with talking about the series, and next month is going to feature a pretty awesome boost for Grayshade specifically and hopefully The Gray Assassin Trilogy more generally (he said mysteriously)...we'll have a public announcement about that soon!
However, most of this update relates to the Grayshade TTRPG, where we're charging ahead and, as you'll see below, closing in on the completion of major drafting and editing--then we're into final tweaks and layout. But I'll let our amazing game designer Brandon O'Brien tell you more. Thanks, all, and we'll talk more soon!
Hello, all! Brandon here with yet another Grayshade RPG update!
The past two weeks have been comprised almost entirely of Greg and I double-checking the adventure that we’ve been working on, and I am pleased to say that we’re much closer to something I think will blow you all away. Here’s a short pitch, in the style of a 90s buddy-cop action thriller flick:
One of Cohrelle’s most beloved nobles is found dead in a church, and the city guard’s only lead is her family’s strong ties to the stone mining industry. The only clues at the scene are few and seemingly innocuous—a strip of cloth, grits of sand under a shirt. What they imply, though, will soon lead down a world of shady business deals, greedy nobles, and a faith so old that the city buried it long ago beneath the stones of the Church District—and it needs to be buried again, before it takes another life… [YOU AND YOUR TABLE] star in… The Death of A Noble. Coming soon!
Of course, that name may change very soon as well as we’re still in the final editing stages, but I like it, don’t you? I think this adventure is a very good early-game setup for all of the things we love about Grayshade to come out at your table, and it works both as a very fun low-level short campaign or as the "first season" of a much longer campaign of deeper investigative explorations. We’ve even included a handful of follow-up campaign premises that jump off neatly from this one, so I hope you’ll like those too!
As the rest of the worldbuilding and a few other bits of play text are all being put together, we’re really eager to be closer to the finish line of showing you all that we’ve had in store for this game. Thank you again for your patience, your dedication, and all of your wonderful questions and comments about the content you’ve seen so far!
Book 3: Heretic is here!
9 months ago
– Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 12:57:18 PM
The final book in The Gray Assassin Trilogy is at the printer now. E-books have just been distributed!
If your pledge includes a copy of Heretic, you should have received an email from Backerkit that you have new downloads.
“Heretic is an exciting novel of redemption through community. Wilson’s strength as a storyteller shines through the vividness of the city of Tellisar, the backdrop of the assassin Grayshade’s quest. This is a great read for anyone who loves classic fantasy TTRPGs and dagger-filled adventures.” — Darcie Little Badger, author of Elatsoe
Shipping Update
Signed paperbacks will be shipping the last week in August as soon as we get back from our whirlwind travel to Gen Con and Worldcon. If your shipping address has changed since copies of Renegade went out, please email us (please don't wait) and we'll get your address updated.
Going to Gen Con?
Again, this year, Greg will be signing copies of Heretic at the Gen Con Writers' Symposium. If you are planning to be at Gen Con you can pick up your signed copy in person. Greg will be available to sign books at these events:
And don't miss D&D with Writers - featuring Arvan Eleron and his merry team of: Brandon O'Brien, E.D.E. Bell, Richard Lee Byers, Toiya Kristen Finley, and Karen Menzel.
Emily and I will be there too, along with Atthis Arts authors Ava Kelly and Brandon Crilly (both joining us internationally) and Emily's assistant Core.
Going to World Con?
Immediately after Gen Con, we will be heading to Worldcon in Glasgow, Aug 8-12. If you are attending Worldcon and would like to pick up your copy there, please let us know (comment here or email) in advance so we make sure to have enough copies available.
Atthis Arts will be in the house! Besides myself, Emily, and Greg, we'll also be with Clara Ward, Minerva Cerridwen, Ava Kelly, and Joyce Chng.
Did I hear you say London?
I didn't, but now that you mention it: On Saturday Aug 17, you can join Greg and By The Dice Roll at the Omnibus Theatre as they try to survive an evening in the Forbidden Library. Again, let us know if you will be there (in advance, please!) and we'll make sure to have your copy there.
Didn't Get Heretic via this Kickstarter?
Pre-release orders are up now on the Atthis Arts website. You can order Heretic along with the other books in the trilogy. All paperback orders include a digital copy of the e-book which can be downloaded right after purchase. If you are in the U.S. and would like your book(s) signed, please add a note to the order at checkout, and we'll send you signed copies in late August.
p.s.sssst - Emily sneaking in with a postscript ...
Hey, it's me, your favorite Heretic and Chris Bell Kickstarter Update editor. I have a few notes! First, you may have noticed me saying just about nothing about this third book. Well. Renegade was drafted many years ago, and even with the new edits, it was easy to talk about how exciting it was without spoilers. Grayshade was going to make it across the land, our beloved panther would be safe, it was about more what he dealt with on the way and how he dealt with it. For this last book, no one knew what would happen. No one, including the author. And so, I want all of you to have the pure experience that I did. Read nothing into that. I just am so proud of how thoughtful and how skilled Greg was in completing this trilogy, every choice, every word considered. I stand proudly with what what he did with it, and I am so excited, so excited, for you to read it too. Seriously, can we nerd? Chat me if you want to discuss! (edebell on Discord, or easily found in the Atthis Arts, EmilyWorld, or Arvan Eleron channels.
I do concur with Mr. Ed Greenwood who says: “The Gray Assassin Trilogy is a gripping tale, a superb fantasy adventure wherein real characters stride off the pages to spend time with you, a bright hoard of gold and gems. Seize yours now!" (Tell people about it here: The Gray Assassin Trilogy)
I hope you'll also check out my Gen Con events, including Micro Fiction Party, Story Game, and of course my triumphant return stretching my roleplaying skills as the awkward bard Wist Songheart on D&D with Writers.
Best to all of you as we officially wrap this trilogy! (!) I hope you'll follow along with Greg's work, my work, and the press (follow links at each). As I said that night: We did it.
Heretic Blurbs (!) and Wearable Graystick - but time is almost out!
11 months ago
– Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 03:55:45 PM
Hello! It's Emily!
- Sorry for updating five campaigns at once; I'm overloaded.
But, hey, each one has different good news!
- Your Invincible Buddy could use some help... (only if you can!)
With the clock ticking on our little clothing shop, I am going to update five campaigns at once. I should have planned better, but I'm struggling, so if you get more than one email, just know that means you have supported more than one of our recent projects and I thank you for it.
The Good News: The final book in Grayshade's story, Heretic, is done, typeset, and being proofread now. I have read it; I am trying not to comment so that you can remain pure (look, I'm a bit transparent especially when it comes to this guy so you'll have to wait and see) but I can share two blurbs I think you'll like. : ) At the end. Business and cuddly fan art first. Then knock your socks off blurbs!
Time Almost Out: WHO WANTS TO WEAR GRAYSTICK? If this is not the right question, WHO WANTS TO SUPPORT EMILY'S LATEST SOCIETAL FOOTBALL KICKING? Look, I've tried it all, right? Do this, and you'll succeed. Try this. You just need to do this. Latest effort - oh everyone will want clothes. Here's where we are with this.
- You can only buy these through April / through Tuesday. Period.
- Please help me (cries / hugs ) get at least past the break-even on minimum orders.
- I know they're pricey, but I picked the good soft nice stuff because I think you beautiful people deserve it. They are soft, and Graystick is actually embroidered - not printed.
- I apologize for not knowing they don't ship outside of the US, but if you want one, pick the no-charge pickup option, and I'll make sure to get it to you. (See on the page the places we can trenchcoat swap.)
- Here's the shop: Buy. Share. Eye-roll. Whatever you can do! Thank you! With love!
A New Project and a Rally: We have a lot going on. And so, when I had to make a snap decision on whether to pick up a new project, that business-wise I should not have, I took a true leap of faith. The project is an English translation of the novel The Factory by poet Igor Mysiak, who was killed by Russia last year. I believe in this. It spoke to me. But taking it on put all our other efforts at risk. And so, I've pulled a one-time lever. Please, please, share, post our one-time GoFundMe, and if you have the resources to help (only if you do!) please do contribute. Thank you, so much. I'm not stopping until we hit this base, and frankly, my health is an issue. But I jumped, I believe, and I'm doing this. Until we get there.
And, hey, if it's easier for you to just share out LOOK AT IT - there's a link to all at Please do share it, and perhaps say something like about how you believe in our small press, or even just - this is a small press doing good work - please give this page a look. Thank you.
Looks down at side like Palpatine. "Oh, you want this, don't you?" Well, here you go:
"Wilson wraps up his fabulous The Gray Assassin Trilogy in the best possible way in Heretic. There’s all the action and wondrous magic you’d expect but so much more. The theme of redemption, of owning your past to build a better future, is front and centre, especially for Grayshade himself, lending a depth and compassion to this story rarely found in sword and sorcery. I loved it. You will. Highly recommended." – Julie E. Czerneda, author of the Night’s Edge series from DAW Books
"The Gray Assassin Trilogy is a gripping tale, a superb fantasy adventure wherein real characters stride off the pages to spend time with you, a bright hoard of gold and gems. Seize yours now!” — Ed Greenwood, internationally bestselling author and creator of The Forgotten Realms
Thanks for listening, and for anything you can do. I am truly, totally, so excited about this TTRPG, and... Well, later. For now, sending my love. (And maybe see you in chat?)
I care about each and every one of you. Don't hesitate to reach out. Sending my love and care and all the glitter - with ♥, Emily.
p.s. We recently lost the author of our upcoming middle grade fairy tale novel, the lovely Jubilee Cho. We are grateful to SFWA for seeing and remembering her in this In Memoriam. We will be publishing her book on her birthday next year, as planned. In sadness, we stay and we create.